General and Laparoscopic Surgery

Χειρουργικό τμήμα

Saint Anastasios Clinic - Centre for Laparoscopic Operations, General Surgery and Paediatrics (Ayios Anastasios Clinic) offers specialized services in General and Laparoscopic Surgery. The Clinic offers surgical outpatient clinics on most days. You simply ring reception at 22764444 and book an appointment.

In our clinic, emphasis is given to prevention. A surgeon is one of the most appropriate professionals to help you avoid surgery. A lot of the surgical conditions that patients suffer from, can be either prevented or treated conservatively, which means with a change in diet and with simple medication. Surgery is reserved only for patients who are unsuitable for conservative treatment or where conservative treatment has been tried and has been unsuccessful.

The clinic boasts an extremely well equipped operating theatre and also a specialized surgical ward. Keeping surgical patients in a specialized ward, segregated from other patients, helps decrease the dangers of nosocomial (hospital-acquired) infections and increases efficiency in surgical care. The proximity of the operating theatre and all the facilities and to the patient rooms also increases safety.

Most of the patient rooms in the clinic are private. They are equipped with private showers, wash basins and toilets. They are fully air-conditioned and are equipped with a television, radio and of course a telephone.

Where surgery is necessary, the patient is offered, wherever possible, minimally invasive procedures. This means that whenever possible the patient is offered the option of having a laparoscopic operation or an operations under local anaesthesia rather than general.

Tags: Surgery General General Surgery Laparoscopic Surgery Laparoscopic Laparoscopy Patients Operations Operation Recovery Hospital Surgical Hernia Gall bladder Pilonidal Sinus Breast Thyroid

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